PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( )

2006-2011, Mahmoud Fayed ( )




Fiction Description




[1] What do you want ? (I Want ....)


         I want window

         I want listbox

         I want Counter


[2] What do you remember ? (The ...)


         I want window contains label

         The window title is Hello.

         The label caption is Wow.


[3] What are the instructions ? (... instructions are)


        Manager. instructions must done

        Manager. instructions are

               I want window

               Window title = wow.

        End of instructions


[4] What will happen when ... ? (Object Event. instructions are)


        I want window

        The window name is win1.

        win1 mouseclick. instructions are

               You close window

        end of instructions


[5] What will happen if ... ? (Variable Value. instructions are)


        x 1. instructions are

               i want window and window title = number 1.

        end of instructions

        x 2. instructions are

               i want window and window title = number 2.

        end of instructions

        x 3. instructions are

               i want window and window title = number 3.

        end of instructions

        [x]. = (1).

        [x]. = (2).

        [x]. = (3).


   Fiction Description Samples
[1] ClickLoop
[2] ShutDown
[3] Question
[4] DownCounter
[5] UpCounter
[6] Counter
[7] Counter2
[8] Math
[9] Math2
[10] Logic
[11] Logic2
[12] CounterRange
[13] DynamicObjects
[14] Cases
[15] CheckAnswer
[16] Loops


Set window auto show off
I want window and the window name is mywin.
The window title is click me to get a new white window.
The window width is 350. and the window height is 200.
window top = 50.
You Show Window
mywin mouseclick. instructions are
        I want window and the window name is mywin2.
        window backcolor  = {255,255,255}. and window top = 100.
        The window title is click me to get a new red window.
        The window width is 350. and the window height is 200.
        You Show Window
End of instructions
mywin2 mouseclick. instructions are
        I want window and the window backcolor = {255,0,0}.
        window title = hello. and window top = 150.
        The window title is click me to close the application.
        The window name is mywin3.
        The window width is 350. and the window height is 200.
        You Show Window
End of instructions
mywin3 mouseclick. instructions are
        You close application
End of instructions






i want window and the window title is Welcome.
i want button and button caption equal Close. 
the button top = 50. and button name = btn1.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are 
        i want label and label caption = Really!!!.
        the label top = 100. 
        i want button and button caption = Yes.
        the button top = 150. and button name = btn2.
        i want button and button caption = No.
        the button top = 150. and button name = btn3.
        the button left = 150.
end of instructions
btn2 mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
btn3 mouseclick. instructions are label caption is Great. ok




I want window and the window title is Welcome.
Window width = 250. and window height = 350.
I want label and the label top = 50. and label width = 200. 
the label caption = What is your name ?.
I want textbox and textbox top = 100. 
textbox back color = {0,255,0}.
I want button and button caption equal Say Hello. 
The button top = 150. and button name = btn1. 
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        textbox value to [name]. 
        the window title from (Hello )[name].
end of instructions
I want button and button caption equal Close. 
the button top = 200. and button name = btn2. 
btn2 mouseclick. instructions are You Close window ok





i want window and the window title is Down Counter.
Window width = 250. and window height = 250.
i want textbox and textbox top = 30. and textbox back color = {0,255,0}.
i want button and button caption equal Count. 
The button top = 70. and button name = btn1. 
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        textbox value to [num1]. and textbox value from [num1]-(1).
end of instructions
i want button and button caption equal Close. and the 
button top = 130. and button name = btn2. and the 
btn2 mouseclick. instructions are You Close window ok
i want window and the window title is Up Counter.
Window width = 250. and window height = 250.
i want textbox and textbox top = 30. and textbox back color = {0,255,0}.
i want button and button caption equal Count. 
The button top = 70. and button name = btn1. 
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        textbox value to [num1]. and textbox value from [num1]+(1).
end of instructions
i want button and button caption equal Close. and the
 button top = 130. and button name = btn2. and the
 btn2 mouseclick. instructions are You Close window ok
Application Files
        1 - CounterApp.nova
        2 - UpCounter.nova
        3 - DownCounter.nova
"upcounter.nova" file instructions must done
"downcounter.nova" file instructions must done
i want window and the window title is Up Counter.
Window width = 250. and window height = 250.
i want textbox and textbox top = 30. and textbox back color = {0,255,0}.
the textbox name is up_text1.
i want button and button caption equal Count. 
The button top = 70. and button name = up_btn1. 
up_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        up_text1. textbox selected
        textbox value to [num1]. and textbox value from [num1]+(1).
end of instructions
i want button and button caption equal Close. and the button top = 130. and 
button name = up_btn2. and the up_btn2 mouseclick. instructions are You Close window ok
i want window and the window title is Down Counter.
window left = 350.
Window width = 250. and window height = 250.
i want textbox and textbox top = 30. and textbox back color = {0,255,0}.
the textbox name is down_Text1.
i want button and button caption equal Count. 
The button top = 70. and button name = down_btn1. 
down_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        down_text1. textbox selected
        textbox value to [num1]. and textbox value from [num1]-(1).
end of instructions
i want button and button caption equal Close. and the button top = 130. and 
button name = down_btn2. and the down_btn2 mouseclick. instructions are You Close window ok



Application Files
        1 - Counterapp2.nova
        2 - UpCounter.nova
        3 - DownCounter.nova
"downcounter.nova" file instructions must done
"upcounter.nova" file instructions must done
The application title is "Counter (2)"
I want window 
The window title is "Counter2"
The window backcolor is {255,255,255}.
The window name is the main window.
I want menubar 
I want menu popup and menu popup caption is "File"
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Up Counter"
        The menu item name is myitem1.
        myitem1 mouseclick. instructions are
               myup. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Down Counter"
        The menu item name is myitem2.
        myitem2 mouseclick. instructions are
               mydown. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Exit"
        The menu item name is myitem3.
        myitem3 mouseclick. instructions are
               You close application
        End of instructions
I want statusbar and i want status item and the status item caption is Ready.
You maximize window
myup. instructions are
i want window and the window title is Up Counter.
Window width = 250. and window height = 250. and window top = 100.
The window parent is the main window.
i want textbox and textbox top = 30. and textbox back color = {0,255,0}.
the textbox name is up_text1.
i want button and button caption equal Count. 
The button top = 70. and button name = up_btn1. 
up_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        up_text1. textbox selected
        textbox value to [num1]. and textbox value from [num1]+(1).
end of instructions
i want button and button caption equal Close.
the button top = 130. and button name = up_btn2. 
the up_btn2 mouseclick. instructions are You Close window ok
mydown. instructions are
i want window and the window title is Down Counter.
window top = 100. and window left = 350.
Window width = 250. and window height = 250.
The window parent is the main window.
i want textbox and textbox top = 30. and textbox back color = {0,255,0}.
the textbox name is down_Text1.
i want button and button caption equal Count. 
The button top = 70. and button name = down_btn1. 
down_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        down_text1. textbox selected
        textbox value to [num1]. and textbox value from [num1]-(1).
end of instructions
i want button and button caption equal Close. 
the button top = 130. and button name = down_btn2. 
the down_btn2 mouseclick. instructions are You Close window ok


Application Files
        1 - MathApp.nova
        2 - SumApp.nova
        3 - MinApp.nova
        4 - MulApp.nova
        5 - DivApp.nova
"sumapp.nova" file instructions must done
"minapp.nova" file instructions must done
"mulapp.nova" file instructions must done
"divapp.nova" file instructions must done
Set Window Auto Show Off
I want window and the window title is Sum. 
Window top = 20. and window left = 50.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
I want label and the label caption is Number (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Number (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = sum_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = sum_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = sum_btn1.
sum_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        sum_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        sum_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1]+[num2].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = Sum_btnClose.
sum_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
You Show Window
set window auto show off
I want window and the window title is Min.
Window top = 20. and window left = 350.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
Window backcolor = {255,0,0}.
I want label and the label caption is Number (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Number (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = min_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = min_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = min_btn1.
min_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        min_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        min_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1]-[num2].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = min_btnClose.
min_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
you show window
set window auto show off
I want window and the window title is Mul. 
Window top = 300. and window left = 50.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
Window Back Color = {0,255,0}.
I want label and the label caption is Number (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Number (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = mul_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = mul_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = mul_btn1.
mul_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        mul_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        mul_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1]x[num2].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = mul_btnClose.
mul_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
you show window
Set Window Auto Show off
I want window and the window title is Div.
Window top = 300. and window left = 350.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
Window Back Color = {0,0,255}.
I want label and the label caption is Number (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Number (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = div_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = div_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = btn1.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        div_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        div_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1]/[num2].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = btnClose.
btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
You Show Window
Application Files
        1 - MathApp2.nova
        2 - SumApp.nova
        3 - MinApp.nova
        4 - MulApp.nova
        5 - DivApp.nova
"sumapp.nova" file instructions must done
"minapp.nova" file instructions must done
"mulapp.nova" file instructions must done
"divapp.nova" file instructions must done
The application title is "Math (2)"
I want window 
The window title is "Math2"
The window backcolor is {255,255,255}.
The window name is the main window.
I want menubar 
I want menu popup and menu popup caption is "File"
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Sum (+)"
        The menu item name is myitem1.
        myitem1 mouseclick. instructions are
               mysum. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Min (-)"
        The menu item name is myitem2.
        myitem2 mouseclick. instructions are
               mymin. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Mul (x)"
        The menu item name is myitem3.
        myitem3 mouseclick. instructions are
               mymul. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Div (/)"
        The menu item name is myitem4.
        myitem4 mouseclick. instructions are
               mydiv. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Exit"
        The menu item name is myitem5.
        myitem5 mouseclick. instructions are
               You close application
        End of instructions
I want statusbar and i want status item and the status item caption is Ready.
You maximize window
mysum. instructions are
Set Window Auto Show Off
I want window and the window title is Sum. 
Window top = 20. and window left = 50.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
I want label and the label caption is Number (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Number (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = sum_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = sum_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = sum_btn1.
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = Sum_btnClose.
The window parent is the main window.
You Show Window
end of instructions
sum_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        sum_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        sum_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1]+[num2].
End of instructions
sum_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
mymin. instructions are
set window auto show off
I want window and the window title is Min.
Window top = 20. and window left = 350.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
Window backcolor = {255,0,0}.
I want label and the label caption is Number (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Number (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = min_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = min_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = min_btn1.
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = min_btnClose.
The window parent is the main window.
you show window
end of instructions
min_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        min_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        min_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1]-[num2].
End of instructions
min_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
mymul. instructions are
set window auto show off
I want window and the window title is Mul. 
Window top = 300. and window left = 50.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
Window Back Color = {0,255,0}.
I want label and the label caption is Number (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Number (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = mul_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = mul_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = mul_btn1.
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = mul_btnClose.
The window parent is the main window.
you show window
end of instructions
mul_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        mul_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        mul_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1]x[num2].
End of instructions
mul_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
mydiv. instructions are
Set Window Auto Show off
I want window and the window title is Div.
Window top = 300. and window left = 350.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
Window Back Color = {0,0,255}.
I want label and the label caption is Number (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Number (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = div_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = div_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = btn1.
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = btnClose.
The window parent is the main window.
You Show Window
end of instructions
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        div_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        div_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1]/[num2].
End of instructions
btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
Application Files
        1 - LogicApp.nova
        2 - AndApp.nova
        3 - OrApp.nova
        4 - NotApp.nova
"andapp.nova" file instructions must done
"orapp.nova" file instructions must done
"notapp.nova" file instructions must done
Set Window Auto Show Off
I want window and the window title is And. 
Window top = 20. and window left = 350.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
I want label and the label caption is Value (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Value (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = log_and_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = log_and_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = log_and_btn1.
log_and_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        log_and_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        log_and_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1] and [num2].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = log_and_btnClose.
log_and_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
You Show Window
Set Window Auto Show Off
I want window and the window title is OR. 
Window top = 20. and window left = 50.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
I want label and the label caption is Value (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Value (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = OR_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = OR_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = OR_btn1.
OR_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        OR_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        OR_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1] OR [num2].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = OR_btnClose.
OR_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
You Show Window
Set Window Auto Show Off
I want window and the window title is Not. 
Window top = 300. and window left = 50.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
I want label and the label caption is Value.
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = Not_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = Not_btn1.
Not_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        Not_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        The window title from not [num1].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = Not_btnClose.
Not_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
You Show Window
Application Files
        1 - LogicApp2.nova
        2 - AndApp.nova
        3 - OrApp.nova
        4 - NotApp.nova
"andapp.nova" file instructions must done
"orapp.nova" file instructions must done
"notapp.nova" file instructions must done
The application title is "Logic (2)"
I want window 
The window title is "Logic2"
The window backcolor is {255,255,255}.
The window name is the main window.
I want menubar 
I want menu popup and menu popup caption is "File"
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "And"
        The menu item name is myitem1.
        myitem1 mouseclick. instructions are
               myand. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Or"
        The menu item name is myitem2.
        myitem2 mouseclick. instructions are
               myor. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Not"
        The menu item name is myitem3.
        myitem3 mouseclick. instructions are
               mynot. instructions must done
        End of instructions
        I want menu item and the menu item caption is "Exit"
        The menu item name is myitem4.
        myitem4 mouseclick. instructions are
               You close application
        End of instructions
I want statusbar and i want status item and the status item caption is Ready.
myand. instructions are
Set Window Auto Show Off
I want window and the window title is And. 
Window top = 20. and window left = 350.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
I want label and the label caption is Value (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Value (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = log_and_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = log_and_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = log_and_btn1.
log_and_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        log_and_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        log_and_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1] and [num2].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = log_and_btnClose.
log_and_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
The window parent is the main window.
You Show Window
end of instructions
myor. instructions are
Set Window Auto Show Off
I want window and the window title is OR. 
Window top = 20. and window left = 50.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 250.
I want label and the label caption is Value (1).
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want label and the label caption is Value (2).
Label top = 100. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = OR_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want textbox and the textbox name = OR_txt2.
Textbox top = 100. and textbox left = 100.and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 150. and button name = OR_btn1.
OR_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        OR_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        OR_txt2. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num2].
        The window title from [num1] OR [num2].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 150. and button left = 130. and button name = OR_btnClose.
OR_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
The window parent is the main window.
You Show Window
end of instructions
mynot. instructions are
Set Window Auto Show Off
I want window and the window title is Not. 
Window top = 270. and window left = 50.
Window width = 250. and Window height = 200.
I want label and the label caption is Value.
Label top = 50. and label width = 80.
I want textbox and the textbox name = Not_txt1.
Textbox top = 50. and textbox left = 100. and textbox width = 50.
I want button and button caption = do operation.
Button top = 100. and button name = Not_btn1.
Not_btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        Not_txt1. textbox selected and store textbox value to [num1].
        The window title from not [num1].
End of instructions
I want button and button caption = Close.
Button top = 100. and button left = 130. and button name = Not_btnClose.
Not_btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close window ok
The window parent is the main window.
You Show Window
end of instructions
Sample Files
        1 - CounterRange.nova
        2 - CounterRange2.nova
:note: "application settings"
set window auto show off
set label transparent on
The application title is "Counter Range"
:note: "application window"
I want window and the window title is "Counter Range"
window width = 370. and window height = 360.
the window back color = {255,255,255}.
:note: "window controls"
i want label and label caption is "From"
i want textbox and textbox left is 50. and the textbox name is text1.
the textbox value is 1.
i want label and label caption is "To" and the label top is 50.
i want textbox and textbox left is 50. and the textbox name is text2.
the textbox value is 10.
the textbox top is 50.
i want listbox and listbox top is 100.
i want button and button caption is "Count Forward"
the button top is 100. and the button left is 230.
the button name is btn1.
:note: "application task"
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        i want counter 
        text1. textbox selected and textbox value to [num1].
        text2. textbox selected and textbox value to [num2].
        get the counter start from [num1].
        get the counter end from [num2].
        the counter step is 1.
        the counter name is mycount1.
        you use counter 
        mycount1 change. instructions are
               counter value to [myvalue]. 
               listbox must add from [myvalue].
        end of instructions
end of instructions
You Show Window
:note: "application settings"
set window auto show off
set label transparent on
The application title is "Counter Range 2"
:note: "application window"
I want window and the window title is "Counter Range"
window width = 370. and window height = 360.
the window back color = {255,255,255}.
:note: "window controls"
i want label and label caption is "From"
i want textbox and textbox left is 50. and the textbox name is text1.
the textbox value is 10.
i want label and label caption is "To" and the label top is 50.
i want textbox and textbox left is 50. and the textbox name is text2.
the textbox value is 1.
the textbox top is 50.
i want listbox and listbox top is 100.
i want button and button caption is "Count backward"
the button top is 100. and the button left is 230.
the button name is btn1.
:note: "application task"
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        i want counter 
        text1. textbox selected and textbox value to [num1].
        text2. textbox selected and textbox value to [num2].
        get the counter start from [num1].
        get the counter end from [num2].
        the counter step is -1.
        the counter name is mycount1.
        you use counter 
        mycount1 change. instructions are
               counter value to [myvalue]. 
               listbox must add from [myvalue].
        end of instructions
end of instructions
You Show Window
:note: "application settings"
set window auto show off
set label transparent on
The application title is "Dynamic Objects"
:note: "application window"
I want window and the window title is "Dynamic Objects"
window width = 450. and window height = 500.
the window back color = {255,255,255}.
:note: "window controls"
i want label and label caption is "Enter Number"
i want textbox and textbox left is 100. and the textbox name is text1.
i want button and button caption is "Create"
the button left is 320. and the button name is btn1.
:note: "application task"
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        text1. textbox selected and textbox value to [num1].
        i want counter 
        the counter start is 1.
        get the counter end from [num1].
        the counter step is 1.
        the counter name is mycount1.
        [theleft]. = (30). and you use counter 
        [theleft]. = (150). and you use counter 
        [theleft]. = (270). and you use counter 
        mycount1 change. instructions are
               counter value to [myvalue]. 
               [mytop]. = [myvalue] x (50).
               i want button
               the button caption from [myvalue].
               the button top from [mytop].
               the button left from [theleft].
               the button backcolor is {255,255,255}.
               the button name is dynamicbutton.
               dynamicbutton mouseclick. instructions are
                       the button backcolor is {255,255,0}.
               end of instructions
        end of instructions
end of instructions
You Show Window
Sample Files
        1 - Case.nova
        2 - Cases.nova
:note: "application settings"
set window auto show off
set label transparent on
The application title is "Case Sample"
:note: "application window"
I want window and the window title is "Counter Sensitive to number 3"
window width = 370. and window height = 360.
the window back color = {255,255,255}.
:note: "window controls"
i want label and label caption is "From"
i want textbox and textbox left is 50. and the textbox name is text1.
the textbox value is 1.
i want label and label caption is "To" and the label top is 50.
i want textbox and textbox left is 50. and the textbox name is text2.
the textbox value is 10.
the textbox top is 50.
i want listbox and listbox top is 100.
i want button and button caption is "Count Forward"
the button top is 100. and the button left is 230.
the button name is btn1.
:note: "application task"
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        i want counter 
        text1. textbox selected and textbox value to [num1].
        text2. textbox selected and textbox value to [num2].
        get the counter start from [num1].
        get the counter end from [num2].
        the counter step is 1.
        the counter name is mycount1.
        you use counter 
        mycount1 change. instructions are
               counter value to [myvalue]. 
               listbox must add from [myvalue].
               [mytest]. = [myvalue] isequal (3).
               mytest true. instructions are
                       listbox must add item "this is number three"
               end of instructions
        end of instructions
end of instructions
You Show Window
:note: "application settings"
set window auto show off
set label transparent on
The application title is "Cases Sample"
:note: "application window"
I want window and the window title is "Cases"
window width = 370. and window height = 360.
the window back color = {0,0,100}.
:note: "window controls"
i want label and label caption is "From"
the label fore color is {255,255,255}.
i want textbox and textbox left is 50. and the textbox name is text1.
the textbox value is 1.
i want label and label caption is "To" and the label top is 50.
the label fore color is {255,255,255}.
i want textbox and textbox left is 50. and the textbox name is text2.
the textbox value is 5.
the textbox top is 50.
i want listbox and listbox top is 100.
i want button and button caption is "Count Forward"
the button top is 100. and the button left is 230.
the button name is btn1.
:note: "application task"
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        i want counter 
        text1. textbox selected and textbox value to [num1].
        text2. textbox selected and textbox value to [num2].
        get the counter start from [num1].
        get the counter end from [num2].
        the counter step is 1.
        the counter name is mycount1.
        you use counter 
        mycount1 change. instructions are
               counter value to [myvalue]. and [mytest]. = [myvalue].
               :note: Cases.
               mytest 1. instructions are [myvalue]. = (One ) [myvalue]. ok
               mytest 2. instructions are [myvalue]. = (Two ) [myvalue]. ok
               mytest 3. instructions are [myvalue]. = (Three ) [myvalue]. ok
               mytest 4. instructions are [myvalue]. = (Four ) [myvalue]. ok
               mytest 5. instructions are [myvalue]. = (Five ) [myvalue]. ok
               listbox must add from [myvalue].
        end of instructions
end of instructions
You Show Window
The application title is "Check Answer"
Set window auto show off
I want window and the window title is "Test"
Window width = 730. and window height = 530.
I want label 
The label width is 700. and label height is 120.
The label font size is 20. 
The label back color = {255,255,255}.
The label caption is 
 Who is the creator of 
 Supernova Programming Language ?
I want listbox and listbox top is 150.
Listbox width is 700. and listbox height is 250.
The listbox must add item "Gudio"
The listbox must add item "Mahmoud"
The listbox must add item "Matz"
The listbox font size is 15.
I want button and the button top is 450.
The button left is 240. and button caption = "Check Answer"
The button name is btn1.
The button back color is {255,255,255}.
I want button and the button top is 450.
The button left is 360. and button caption = "End Application"
The button name is btnclose.
The button fore color is {255,255,255}.
The button back color is {255,0,0}.
btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close application ok
You show window
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        The listbox value to [x].
        [mytest]. = [x] isequal (2). 
        mytest true. instructions are 
               The label caption is 
                       True Answer
               " ok
        mytest false. instructions are 
               The label caption is 
                       False Answer
               " ok
end of instructions
Sample Files
        1 - InfiniteLoop.nova
        2 - UnderControl.nova
        3 - Processing.nova
The application title is "Infinite Loop"
I want window contains listbox and the window title is "Infinite Loop"
the window name is mywin.
I want button and button caption is "Close"
the button name is "myclose" and the button left is 300.
myclose mouseclick. instructions are 
        you close window
end of instructions
[y]. = (0).
[x]. = (0).
[test]. = [y] isequal (1).
test false. instructions are
        [x]. = [x]+(1).
        listbox must add from [x].
        do windows events
        [test]. = [y] isequal (1).
end of instructions
The application title is "Loop Under Control"
I want window contains listbox and the window title is "Loop Under Control"
the window name is mywin.
I want button and button caption is "Close"
the button name is "myclose" and the button left is 300.
myclose mouseclick. instructions are 
        you close window
end of instructions
I want button and button caption is "Stop"
the button name is "mystop" and the button left is 300.
the button top is 80.
mystop mouseclick. instructions are 
        [y]. = (10000).
end of instructions
[y]. = (0).
[test]. = [y] isequal (10000).
test false. instructions are
        [y]. = [y]+(1).
        listbox must add from [y].
        do windows events
        [test]. = [y] isequal (10000).
end of instructions
The application title is "Application will end after some processing"
[y]. = (0).
myloop. instructions must done
myloop. instructions are
        do windows events
        [y]. = [y]+(1).
        myloop. instructions must done
end of instructions
y 100000. instructions are You close application ok