Implicit Conversion
In this chapter we are going to learn about the Implicit Conversion
String + Number ---> String # Merge Strings (Number will be converted to a String)
Number + String ---> Number # Sum Numbers (String will be converted to a Number)
We will create a simple program to learn how to use the Implicit Conversion
We can create this program quickly using the Quick Start component
Program Steps
After selecting the (Implicit Conversion) template, we will get the next steps in the Goal Designer
Creating the Program
To create this program we will use the next components
Print Text
In the begining the Steps Tree is empty
Select the (Assignment) component
Enter the data in the Interaction Page
Left side: x
Right side: 10
The Steps Tree will be updated
Set y = “20”
The Steps Tree will be updated
Set sum = x + y
X is a Number
Y is a String
X + Y —> Number + String —> Number
Set msg = “Sum = ” + sum
“Sum = ” is a String
sum is a Number
“Sum = ” + sum —> String + Number —> String
Print the Msg variable
Now we have the final Steps Tree in our program