PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( )

2006-2019, Mahmoud Fayed ( )


Table of contents

1 - Introduction

2 - Implementation steps

3 - Final Steps Tree

4 - Application during the runtime

1 - Introduction

In this lesson we are going to learn how to integrate data validation to our data window.

2 - Implementation Steps

Open customers.SFF


Fig. 1

Declare and define the method CheckData


Fig. 2


Fig. 3


Fig. 4


Fig. 5

Open method CheckData


Fig. 6


Fig. 7


Fig. 8


Fig. 9


Fig. 10


Fig. 11


Fig. 12


Fig. 13


Fig. 14


Fig. 15


Fig. 16


Fig. 17


Fig. 18


Fig. 19


Fig. 20


Fig. 21


Fig. 22


Fig. 23


Fig. 24


Fig. 25


Fig. 26


Fig. 27


Fig. 28


Fig. 29

Press CTRL+R to generate the source code file Customers.PRG


Fig. 30

Open Main.SSF and run the application


Fig. 31

3 - Final Steps Tree




Set Class Name & Window Name

                PWCT-Code Generator: Replace String (MyClassName) with (CustomersDataClass)

                PWCT-Code Generator: Replace String (MyWindowName) with (&(self:cWindowName))


                Define Class MyClassName From SystemDatabase

                                Declare Class Data

                                                Data cWindowName Init Value "CustomersDataWindow"

                                ************************** Record Data Here **************************

                                                Data TableName Init Value "Customers"

                                                Data cCustName Init Value ""

                                                Data cCustAddress Init Value ""

                                                Data cCustPhone Init Value ""


                                                                Data nCountry Init Value 0

                                                                Data CountryItems Init Value {}

                                                                Data CountryItemsIDs Init Value {}

                                                Data dDateOfBirth Init Value date()

                                Declare Class Methods

                                                Method showwindow

                                                Method closewindow

                                                Method SetMode

                                                Method UserInterface2Class

                                                Method Class2ADO

                                                Method ADO2Class

                                                Method Class2UserInterface

                                                Method ClearRecord

                                                Method AutoGotoRecord

                                                Method CheckData

                                End of Class

                                ******************************* Methods to Customize *****************************

                                                Define Method showwindow Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                myout = self.connect()

                                                                                myout = self.AutoGotoRecord()

                                                                                Define New Window ( MyWindowName ) , Title : "Customers Data"

                                                                                                Window Events

                                                                                                Window Properties

                                                                                                Window Controls

                                                                                                                Define New Image ( image1 ) , Image : "image\Back.jpg"



                                                                                                                Window Title

                                                                                                                                Define Label ( lblTitle ) , Caption : "Customers Data Window"

                                                                                                                                                Label Events

                                                                                                                                                Label Properties

                                                                                                                Data Buttons

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnFirst ) , Caption : "First"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:firstrecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnNext ) , Caption : "Next"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:nextrecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnLast ) , Caption : "Last"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:lastrecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnClose ) , Caption : "Close"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:closewindow()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnPrev ) , Caption : "Prev "

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:prevrecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnDel ) , Caption : "Delete"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:delrecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnsave ) , Caption : "Save"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:saverecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btncancel ) , Caption : "Cancel"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:cancelrecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnedit ) , Caption : "Edit"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:editrecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                                Define New Button ( btnadd ) , Caption : "Add"

                                                                                                                                                Button Events

                                                                                                                                                                Event: ON CLICK : Action self:addrecord()

                                                                                                                                                Button Properties

                                                                                                                Define Label ( lbl1 ) , Caption : "Name"

                                                                                                                                Label Events

                                                                                                                                Label Properties

                                                                                                                Define Label ( lbl2 ) , Caption : "Address"

                                                                                                                                Label Events

                                                                                                                                Label Properties

                                                                                                                Define Label ( lbl3 ) , Caption : "Phone"

                                                                                                                                Label Events

                                                                                                                                Label Properties

                                                                                                                Define TextBox ( textName )

                                                                                                                                TextBox EVENTS

                                                                                                                                TextBox Properties

                                                                                                                Define TextBox ( textAddress )

                                                                                                                                TextBox EVENTS

                                                                                                                                TextBox Properties

                                                                                                                Define TextBox ( textPhone )

                                                                                                                                TextBox EVENTS

                                                                                                                                TextBox Properties


                                                                                                                                myout = Self.LoadLookupTable("country","country",@self:countryitems,"id",@self:countryitemsids)

                                                                                                                                Define Label ( lblCountry ) , Caption : "Country"

                                                                                                                                                Label Events

                                                                                                                                                Label Properties

                                                                                                                                Define Combobox ( comboCountry ) , Items : self:CountryItems

                                                                                                                                                Combobox Events

                                                                                                                                                Combobox Properties

                                                                                                                Define Label ( lbl5 ) , Caption : "Date of Birth"

                                                                                                                                Label Events

                                                                                                                                Label Properties

                                                                                                                Define New DatePicker ( DateOfBirth )



                                                                                                End Of Window

                                                                                                MyWindowName.Center ( )

                                                                                                myout = self.showrecord()

                                                                                                myout = self.setmode(2)

                                                                                                Activate window

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

                                                Define Method UserInterface2Class Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                self:cCustName = MyWindowName.textName.Value

                                                                                self:cCustAddress = MyWindowName.textAddress.Value

                                                                                self:cCustPhone = MyWindowName.textPhone.Value


                                                                                                self:nCountry = MyWindowName.ComboCountry.Value

                                                                                                self:nCountry = self:CountryItemsIDs[self:nCountry]

                                                                                self:dDateOfBirth = MyWindowName.DateofBirth.Value

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

                                                Define Method Class2ADO Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Set Field ("CustName") Value To (self:cCustName)

                                                                                ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Set Field ("CustAddress") Value To (self:cCustAddress)

                                                                                ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Set Field ("CustPhone") Value To (self:cCustPhone)

                                                                                ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Set Field ("CountryID") Value To (self:nCountry)

                                                                                ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Set Field ("DateOfBirth") Value To (self:dDateOfBirth)

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

                                                Define Method ADO2Class Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                self:cCustName = ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Get Field ("CustName") Value

                                                                                self:cCustAddress = ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Get Field ("CustAddress") Value

                                                                                self:cCustPhone = ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Get Field ("CustPhone") Value

                                                                                self:nCountry = ADODB RecordSet (Self:oRS) Get Field ("CountryID") Value

                                                                                self:dDateOfBirth = ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Get Field ("DateOfBirth") Value

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

                                                Define Method Class2UserInterface Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                MyWindowName.textName.Value := self:cCustName

                                                                                MyWindowName.textAddress.Value := self:cCustAddress

                                                                                MyWindowName.textPhone.Value := self:cCustPhone


                                                                                                self:nCountry = self.LookupIDToIndex(self:nCountry,@self:CountryItemsIDs)

                                                                                                MyWindowName.ComboCountry.Value := self:nCountry

                                                                                MyWindowName.DateOfBirth.Value := self:dDateofBirth

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

                                                Define Method ClearRecord Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                self.cCustName = ""

                                                                                self.cCustAddress = ""

                                                                                self.cCustPhone = ""

                                                                                self.nCountry = 0

                                                                                self.dDateOfBirth = Date()

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

                                                Define Method setmode(p1) Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                IF ( p1 = 1 )

                                                                                                Start Here

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnfirst.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnnext.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnprev.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnlast.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btndel.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnclose.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnsave.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btncancel.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnedit.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnadd.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.textName.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.textAddress.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.textPhone.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.ComboCountry.Enabled := True

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.DateOfBirth.Enabled := True

                                                                                                END OF IF STATEMENT

                                                                                IF ( p1 = 2 )

                                                                                                Start Here

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnfirst.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnnext.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnprev.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnlast.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btndel.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnclose.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnsave.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btncancel.Enabled := false

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnedit.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.btnadd.Enabled := true

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.textName.Enabled := False

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.textAddress.Enabled := False

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.textPhone.Enabled := False

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.ComboCountry.Enabled := False

                                                                                                                MyWindowName.DateOfBirth.Enabled := False

                                                                                                END OF IF STATEMENT

                                                                                self:OperationMode = p1

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

                                                Define Method CheckData Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                Local myret,cName,nCountry

                                                                                myret = True

                                                                                Check Name

                                                                                                cName = MyWindowName.textName.Value

                                                                                                cName = All Trim cName

                                                                                                IF ( cName == "" )

                                                                                                                Start Here

                                                                                                                                Show Message "Enter Customer Name" Title "Sorry" Type: Message Info

                                                                                                                                myret = False

                                                                                                                END OF IF STATEMENT

                                                                                Check Country

                                                                                                nCountry = MyWindowName.ComboCountry.Value

                                                                                                IF ( nCountry = 0 )

                                                                                                                Start Here

                                                                                                                                Show Message "Please select the country" Title "Sorry" Type: Message Info

                                                                                                                                myret = False

                                                                                                                END OF IF STATEMENT

                                                                End of Method (Return myret)

                                Class Methods

                                                Define Method closewindow Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                myout = self.disconnect()

                                                                                MyWindowName.Release ( )

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

                                                Define Method AutoGotoRecord Class MyClassName

                                                                Start Here

                                                                                IF ( self:LFindRecord = true .and. self:OperationMode = 2 )

                                                                                                Start Here

                                                                                                                ADODB RecordSet (self:oRS) Find , Cirteria self:CFindExpr

                                                                                                                mycheck = ADODB RecordSet self:oRS , Check EOF

                                                                                                                IF ( mycheck = true )

                                                                                                                                Start Here

                                                                                                                                                ADODB RecordSet self:oRS - Goto Previous Record

                                                                                                                                END OF IF STATEMENT

                                                                                                                IF ( iswindowdefined( MyWindowName ) )

                                                                                                                                Start Here

                                                                                                                                                myout = self.showrecord()

                                                                                                                                                MyWindowName.SetFocus ( )

                                                                                                                                END OF IF STATEMENT

                                                                                                END OF IF STATEMENT

                                                                                self:LFindRecord = false

                                                                                self:CFindExpr = ""

                                                                End of Method (Return 0)

4 - Application during the runtime


Fig. 32