PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( ) 2006-2011, Mahmoud Fayed ( ) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Date And Time ---------------
[1] The Date
[mydate]. = the date.
[2] The Time
[mytime]. = the time.
[3] The Seconds
[myseconds]. = the seconds.
[4] The Day
[myday]. = the day.
[5] The Month
[mymonth]. = the month.
Samples --------- 1 - TheDate.nova 2 - TheDay.nova 3 - TheMonth.nova 4 - TheSeconds.nova 5 - TheTime.nova 6 - TheSeconds2.nova 7 - TheTime2.nova 8 - Flash.nova [1] TheDate.nova ------------------ Application title = The Date. I want window and window title = The Date. window back color = {255,255,255}. window width = 330. window height = 150. I want label and label caption from the date. The label font size = 40. and label width = 300. label height = 100. [2] TheDay.nova ----------------- Application title = The Day. I want window and window title = The Day. window back color = {255,255,255}. window width = 330. window height = 150. I want label and label caption from the Day. The label font size = 40. and label width = 300. label height = 100. [3] TheMonth.nova ------------------- Application title = The Month. I want window and window title = The Month. window back color = {255,255,255}. window width = 330. window height = 150. I want label and label caption from the Month. The label font size = 40. and label width = 300. label height = 100. [4] TheSeconds.nova --------------------- Application title = The Seconds. I want window and window title = The Seconds. window back color = {155,155,155}. window width = 330. window height = 150. I want label and label caption from the seconds. The label font size = 40. and label width = 300. label height = 100. [5] TheTime.nova ------------------ Application title = The Time. I want window and window title = The Time. window back color = {155,155,155}. window width = 330. window height = 150. I want label and label caption from the time. The label font size = 40. and label width = 300. label height = 100. [6] TheSeconds2.nova ---------------------- Application title = The Seconds. I want window and window title = The Seconds. window back color = {5,155,255}. window width = 330. window height = 250. window name = win1. I want label The label font size = 40. and label width = 300. label height = 100. I want button and button caption = Close. the button name is btn1. button top = 150. and button left = 150. do while (True). label caption from ( ) the Seconds. [x]. = the seconds. and do while "the seconds - [x] < (0.1)" do windows events end while end while btn1 mouseclick. instructions are You close application end of instructions [7] TheTime2.nova ------------------- Application title = The Time. I want window and window title = The Time. window back color = {5,155,255}. window width = 330. window height = 250. window name = win1. I want label The label font size = 40. and label width = 300. label height = 100. I want button and button caption = Close. the button name is btn1. button top = 150. and button left = 150. do while (True). label caption from ( ) the time. [x]. = the seconds. and do while the seconds - [x] < (1). do windows events end while end while btn1 mouseclick. instructions are You close application end of instructions [8] Flash.nova ----------------- Application title = Hello!!. I want window and window title = Hello!!. Window back color = {5,155,255}. Window width = 330. window height = 250. Window name = win1. I want button and button caption = Be my friend , click to say yes !!. The button top = 20. button width = 300. The button name = btn1. I want button the button top = 80. Button caption = . and the button name = btn2. I want button the button top = 130. Button caption = . and the button name = btn3. btn1 mouseclick. instructions are Btn2. button selected and button caption = Really !! ? . End of instructions btn2 mouseclick. instructions are Do while (True). Btn3. button selected and button caption = Hurrah. [x]. = the seconds. and do while "the seconds - [x] < (0.5)" Do windows events End while Btn3. button selected and button caption = . [x]. = the seconds. and do while "the seconds - [x] < (0.5)" Do windows events End while End while End of instructions btn3 mouseclick. instructions are You close window End of instructions