PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( )
2006-2011, Mahmoud Fayed ( ) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Delivery Application ----------------------
* Source code * Screen shot 1 * Screen shot 2 * Distributing Application * Delivery2 Source code * What is new in Delivery2? Delivery.nova --------------- The application title is "Delivery" Set window auto show off Set window resize off [myarray]. = (3). [myarray]\(1). = (Tea). [myarray]\(2). = (Cafe). [myarray]\(3). = (Sandwich). I want window and the window title is "Delivery" Window width = 730. and window height = 530. I want label The label width is 700. and label height is 120. The label font size is 20. The label back color = white. The label caption is " What do you want ? " I want label and label top is 140. label caption is Title :. label font name is "arial" label font size is "14" I want textbox textbox left is 80. textbox top is 140. textbox width is 500. textbox font name is arial. textbox font size is 14. I want button button top is 140. button left is 600. button caption is Search. button font name is arial. button font size is 14. button name is BtnSearch. I want listbox and listbox top is 180. Listbox width is 700. and listbox height is 250. The listbox font name is arial. The listbox font size is 14. [x]. = (1). and do while [x] <= [myarray]. The listbox must add from [myarray]\[x]. [x]. = [x] + (1). end while I want button and the button top is 450. The button left is 240. and button caption = "Ok" The button name is btn1. The button back color is white. I want button and the button top is 450. The button left is 360. and button caption = "Close" The button name is btnclose. The button fore color is white. The button back color is red. btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close application ok listbox value is 1. You centre window and You show window btn1 mouseclick. instructions are The listbox value to [x]. do if not [x] == (0). [myitem]. = [myarray]\[x]. [mystr]. = "( Delivery Application ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date :) thedate ( Time :) thetime ( Month :) themonth ( Day :) theday ( Item :---------------> ) [myitem] ( -------------------------------------------------------------------)" [mystr]. memory to file "(delivery.txt)" execute file "delivery.txt" end if end of instructions btn search mouse click. instructions are textbox value to [mystr]. [mystr]. = lower [mystr]. [x]. = (1). do while [x] <= [myarray]. [myitem]. = lower [myarray]\[x]. [check]. = [mystr] at [myitem]. do if not [check] == (0). listbox value from [x]. end if [x]. = [x] + (1). end while end of instructions
How to distribute the Delivery application as EXE File ? 1 - Run nova.exe 2 - Select "Delivery.nova" This will generate the object file "" 3 - Rename file "" to "" 4 - copy file "nova.exe" to delivery folder 5 - rename file "nova.exe" to "Delivery.exe" Now you can distribute (Delivery.exe + Delivery2.nova ---------------- The application title is "Delivery2" Set window auto show off Set window resize off [myarray]. = (3). [myarray]\(1). = (Tea). [myarray]\(2). = (Cafe). [myarray]\(3). = (Sandwich). I want window and the window title is "Delivery" Window width = 730. and window height = 530. I want label The label width is 700. and label height is 120. The label font size is 20. The label back color = white. The label caption is " What do you want ? " I want label and label top is 140. label caption is Title :. label font name is "arial" label font size is "14" I want textbox textbox left is 80. textbox top is 140. textbox width is 500. textbox font name is arial. textbox font size is 14. textbox name is text1. I want listbox and listbox top is 180. Listbox width is 700. and listbox height is 250. The listbox font name is arial. The listbox font size is 14. [x]. = (1). and do while [x] <= [myarray]. The listbox must add from [myarray]\[x]. [x]. = [x] + (1). end while I want button and the button top is 450. The button left is 240. and button caption = "Ok" The button name is btn1. The button back color is white. I want button and the button top is 450. The button left is 360. and button caption = "Close" The button name is btnclose. The button fore color is white. The button back color is red. btnclose mouseclick. instructions are you close application ok listbox value is 1. You centre window and You show window btn1 mouseclick. instructions are The listbox value to [x]. do if not [x] == (0). "( Delivery Application ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date :) thedate ( Time :) thetime ( Month :) themonth ( Day :) theday ( Item :---------------> ) [myarray]\[x] ( -------------------------------------------------------------------)" memory to file "(delivery.txt)" execute file "delivery.txt" end if end of instructions text1 change. instructions are textbox value to [mystr]. [mystr]. = lower [mystr]. [x]. = (1). do while [x] <= [myarray]. [myitem]. = lower [myarray]\[x]. [check]. = [mystr] at [myitem]. do if not [check] == (0). listbox value from [x]. end if [x]. = [x] + (1). end while end of instructions
What is new in Delivery2.nova ? 1 - Interactive search (NO SEARCH BUTTON) 2 - Report Generation code changed From :- [myitem]. = [myarray]\[x]. [mystr]. = "( Delivery Application ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date :) thedate ( Time :) thetime ( Month :) themonth ( Day :) theday ( Item :---------------> ) [myitem] ( -------------------------------------------------------------------)" [mystr]. memory to file "(delivery.txt)" To :- "( Delivery Application ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date :) thedate ( Time :) thetime ( Month :) themonth ( Day :) theday ( Item :---------------> ) [myarray]\[x] ( -------------------------------------------------------------------)" memory to file "(delivery.txt)"