PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( ) 2006-2011, Mahmoud Fayed ( ) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Do Statements ---------------
[1] Do While ....Data as Expression.... ....Instructions.... End While
[2] Do If ....Data as Expression.... ....Instructions.... End If
[3] Do Function ....function name....
Function ....function name.... ....Instructions.... End Function
Note: We can use OK | End of instructions instead of End Function
[4] Do Procedure ....procedure name....
Procedure ....procedure name.... ....Instructions.... End Procedure
Note: We can use OK | End of instructions instead of End Procedure
[5] Do File ...."FileName.nova"....
DoStatements.nova ------------------- Set window auto show off Application title = Do Statements. i want window contains listbox window title = Do Statements. Window Width = 270. listbox Width = 250. Window Height = 500. listbox Height = 450. listbox font size = 14. listbox back color = {20,255,100}. [x]. = (1). and do while [x] <= (7). listbox must add from [x]. do if [x] == (5). [t]. = . [y]. = (1). and do while [y] <= (5). [t]. = [t] [y]. listbox must add from [t]. [y]. = [y] + (1). end while end if [x]. = [x] + (1). end while [t]. = . [y]. = (1). and do while [y] <= (7). [t]. = [t] [y]. listbox must add from [t]. [y]. = [y] + (1). do if [y] == (6). listbox must add item ***********. end if end while You show window DoFunctionStatement.nova -------------------------- application title = "Do Function" do file "mylib.nova" do procedure myuserinterface. window title = "Do Function" [input]. = (5). do function myfunc. listbox must add from [output]. [input]. = (3). do function myfunc2. listbox must add from [output]. You show window Function myfunc. [output]. = [input]x[input]. End function Function myfunc2. and [output]. = [input] x (2). ok MyLib.nova ------------ procedure myuserinterface. i want window contains listbox window height = 450. listbox height = 400. window width = 230. window back color = {255,255,255}. end procedure