PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( ) 2006-2011, Mahmoud Fayed ( ) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Files -------
Execute file as value.... Execute from as expression.... as expression.... memory to file as expression.... as expression.... file to memory as expression.... as expression.... file to open as expression.... file to save
Samples --------- 1 - ExecuteFile.nova 2 - MemoryToFile.nova 3 - FileToMemory.nova 4 - FileToMemory2.nova 5 - FileToOpen.nova 6 - FileToSave.nova 7 - FileToOpen2.nova ExecuteFile.nova ------------------ i want window and the window title is Execute file. the window back color is {255,0,0}. i want button and the button caption is Run "welcome2.nova" the button top is 60. and the button left is 20. the button width is 300. and the button name is btn1. i want button and the button caption is Run "open test.jpg" the button top is 100. and the button left is 20. the button width is 300. and the button name is btn2. Btn1 MouseClick. instructions are :note: " execute file command parameter is data as value" execute file "..\..\test\welcome2.nova" end of instructions Btn2 MouseClick. instructions are :note: " execute from command parameter is data as expression" execute from "(..\..\test\test.jpg)" end of instructions MemoryToFile.nova ------------------- i want window and the window title is memory to file. the window back color is purple. i want button and the button caption is Run "create test.txt" the button top is 60. and the button left is 20. the button width is 300. and the button name is btn1. the button back color is white. Btn1 MouseClick. instructions are [mystr]. = "(Hello How are you ? I hope that you are fine. bye.)" [mystr]. memory to file "(test.txt)" end of instructions FileToMemory.nova ------------------- i want window contains editBOX the window title is file to memory. the window back color is purple. i want button and the button caption is Run "read test2.txt" the button top is 260. and the button left is 20. the button width is 300. and the button name is btn1. the button back color is white. Btn1 MouseClick. instructions are "(test2.txt)" file to memory [x]. editbox value FROM [x]. end of instructions FileToMemory2.nova ------------------- i want window contains listbox the window title is file to memory2. the window back color is purple. i want button and the button caption is Run "read test2.txt" the button top is 260. and the button left is 20. the button width is 300. and the button name is btn1. the button back color is white. Btn1 MouseClick. instructions are "(test2.txt)" file to memory [x]. [lineend]. = ( ). [mymax]. = len [x]. [myline]. = . [y]. = (1). do while [y] <= [mymax]. [myadd]. = [y] inside [x]. [myline]. = [myline] [myadd]. [mycheck]. = (2) right [myline]. do if [mycheck] == [lineend] or [y] == [mymax]. listbox must add from [myline]. [myline]. = . end if [y]. = [y] + (1). end while end of instructions FileToOpen.nova ----------------- i want window and the window title is file to open. [x]. file to open the window title from [x]. FileToSave.nova ----------------- i want window and the window title is file to save. [x]. file to save the window title from [x]. FileToOpen2.nova ------------------ i want window and the window title is file to open2. [x]. file to open [check]. = [x] == (). do if [check]. the window title is no file selected. end if do if not [check]. the window title from [x]. end if