PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( ) 2006-2011, Mahmoud Fayed ( ) _____________________________________________________________________________________
GUI =====
Windows --------- * Application title is as value.... * You close application * Do windows events * Set window auto show on * Set window auto show off * Set window resize on * Set window resize off * Set window modal on * Set window modal off * I want window * Window title is as value.... * Window direction is right to left * Window back color is as value.... * Window top is as value.... * Window left is as value.... * Window width is as value.... * Window height is as value.... * You maximize window * You minimize window * You centre window * You show window * You hide window * You close window * Window name is as value.... * as value.... window selected * Window parent is as value.... * Window title from as expression.... * Window title to as expression.... * Window Handle to as expression.... * Window top to as expression.... * Window left to as expression.... * Window Width to as expression.... * Window Height to as expression.... * Window top from as expression.... * Window left from as expression.... * Window Width from as expression.... * Window Height from as expression.... Window Events --------------- move gotfocus lostfocus mouseclick mousemove resize maximize minimize release
Controls ---------- [1] Label [2] Textbox [3] Button [4] Editbox [5] Listbox [6] Combobox [7] Checkbox [8] Progressbar [9] Slider [10] Image [11] DatePicker [12] HyperLink [13] Spinner [14] Statusbar [15] Menubar
Label ------- * I want label * Label caption is as value.... * Label top is as value.... * Label left is as value.... * Label width is as value.... * Label height is as value.... * Label name is as value.... * Label font name is as value.... * Label font size is as value.... * Label fore color is as value.... * Label back color is as value.... * Label font bold is as value.... * Label font italic is as value.... * Label font underline is as value.... * Label font strickout is as value.... * Set label transparent on * Set label transparent off * as value.... label selected * Label caption from as expression.... * Label caption to as expression.... * Label Top to as expression.... * Label Left to as expression.... * Label Width to as expression.... * Label Height to as expression.... * Label Top from as expression.... * Label Left from as expression.... * Label Width from as expression.... * Label Height from as expression.... Label Events -------------- mouseclick
Textbox --------- * I want textbox * Textbox value is as value.... * Textbox top is as value.... * Textbox left is as value.... * Textbox width is as value.... * Textbox height is as value.... * Textbox name is as value.... * Textbox font name is as value.... * Textbox font size is as value.... * Textbox fore color is as value.... * Textbox back color is as value.... * Textbox font bold is as value.... * Textbox font italic is as value.... * Textbox font underline is as value.... * Textbox font strickout is as value.... * as value.... Textbox selected * Textbox value from as expression.... * Textbox value to as expression.... Textbox Events ---------------- gotfocus lostfocus change enter
Button -------- * I want button * Button caption is as value.... * Button top is as value.... * Button left is as value.... * Button width is as value.... * Button height is as value.... * Button name is as value.... * Button font name is as value.... * Button font size is as value.... * Button fore color is as value.... * Button back color is as value.... * Button font bold is as value.... * Button font italic is as value.... * Button font underline is as value.... * Button font strickout is as value.... * Button picture is as value.... * as value.... Button selected * Button caption from as expression.... * Button caption to as expression.... * Button top to as expression.... * Button left to as expression.... * Button Width to as expression.... * Button Height to as expression.... * Button top from as expression.... * Button left from as expression.... * Button Width from as expression.... * Button Height from as expression.... Button Events --------------- mouseclick
Editbox --------- * I want editbox * Editbox value is as value.... * Editbox top is as value.... * Editbox left is as value.... * Editbox width is as value.... * Editbox height is as value.... * Editbox name is as value.... * Editbox font name is as value.... * Editbox font size is as value.... * Editbox fore color is as value.... * Editbox back color is as value.... * Editbox font bold is as value.... * Editbox font italic is as value.... * Editbox font underline is as value.... * Editbox font strickout is as value.... * as value.... Editbox selected * Editbox value from as expression.... * Editbox value to as expression.... * Editbox Top to as expression.... * Editbox Left to as expression.... * Editbox Width to as expression.... * Editbox Height to as expression.... * Editbox Top from as expression.... * Editbox Left from as expression.... * Editbox Width from as expression.... * Editbox Height from as expression.... Editbox Events ---------------- gotfoucs lostfoucs change
Listbox --------- * I want listbox * Listbox value is as value.... * Listbox top is as value.... * Listbox left is as value.... * Listbox width is as value.... * Listbox height is as value.... * Listbox name is as value.... * Listbox font name is as value.... * Listbox font size is as value.... * Listbox fore color is as value.... * Listbox back color is as value.... * Listbox font bold is as value.... * Listbox font italic is as value.... * Listbox font underline is as value.... * Listbox font strickout is as value.... * as value.... Listbox selected * Listbox must add item as value.... * Listbox must add from as expression.... * Listbox value from as expression.... * Listbox value to as expression.... Listbox Events ---------------- gotfoucs lostfocus change doubleclick
Listbox --------- * I want listbox * Listbox value is as value.... * Listbox top is as value.... * Listbox left is as value.... * Listbox width is as value.... * Listbox height is as value.... * Listbox name is as value.... * Listbox font name is as value.... * Listbox font size is as value.... * Listbox fore color is as value.... * Listbox back color is as value.... * Listbox font bold is as value.... * Listbox font italic is as value.... * Listbox font underline is as value.... * Listbox font strickout is as value.... * as value.... Listbox selected * Listbox must add item as value.... * Listbox must add from as expression.... * Listbox value from as expression.... * Listbox value to as expression.... Listbox Events ---------------- gotfoucs lostfocus change doubleclick
Combobox ---------- * I want combobox * Combobox value is as value.... * Combobox top is as value.... * Combobox left is as value.... * Combobox width is as value.... * Combobox height is as value.... * Combobox name is as value.... * Combobox fontname is as value.... * Combobox fontsize is as value.... * Combobox forecolor is as value.... * Combobox backcolor is as value.... * Combobox fontbold is as value.... * Combobox fontitalic is as value.... * Combobox fontunderline is as value.... * Combobox fontstrickout is as value.... * as value.... Combobox selected * Combobox must add item as value.... * Combobox must add from as expression.... * Combobox value from as expression.... * Combobox value to as expression.... Combobox Events ----------------- gotfocus lostfocus change
Checkbox ---------- * I want checkbox * Checkbox value is as value.... * Checkbox top is as value.... * Checkbox left is as value.... * Checkbox width is as value.... * Checkbox height is as value.... * Checkbox name is as value.... * Checkbox font name is as value.... * Checkbox font size is as value.... * Checkbox fore color is as value.... * Checkbox back color is as value.... * Checkbox font bold is as value.... * Checkbox font italic is as value.... * Checkbox font underline is as value.... * Checkbox font strickout is as value.... * as value.... Checkbox selected * Checkbox caption is as value.... Checkbox Events ----------------- gotfocus lostfocus change
Progressbar -------------
* I want progressbar
* Progressbar value is as value....
* Progressbar top is as value....
* Progressbar left is as value....
* Progressbar width is as value....
* Progressbar height is as value....
* Progressbar name is as value....
* as value.... Progressbar selected
* Progressbar range minimum is as value....
* Progressbar range maximum is as value....
* Progressbar fore color is as value....
* Progressbar back color is as value Slider -------- * I want slider * Slider value is as value.... * Slider top is as value.... * Slider left is as value.... * Slider width is as value.... * Slider height is as value.... * Slider name is as value.... * as value.... slider selected * Slider range minimum is as value.... * Slider range maximum is as value.... Slider Events --------------- change scroll
Picture --------- * I want picture * Picture file is as value.... * Picture top is as value.... * Picture left is as value.... * Picture width is as value.... * Picture height is as value.... * Picture name is as value.... * as value.... Picture selected Picture Events ---------------- mouseclick
DatePicker ------------ * I want datepicker * Datepicker value is as value.... * Datepicker top is as value.... * Datepicker left is as value.... * Datepicker width is as value.... * Datepicker height is as value.... * Datepicker name is as value.... * as value.... datepicker selected * Datepicker fore color is as value.... * Datepicker back color is as value.... * Datepicker font name is as value.... * Datepicker font size is as value.... * Datepicker font bold is as value.... * Datepicker font italic is as value.... * Datepicker font underline is as value.... * Datepicker font strickout is as value.... Datepicker Events ------------------- gotfocus lostfocus change enter
HyperLink ----------- * I want hyperlink * Hyperlink caption is as value.... * Hyperlink top is as value.... * Hyperlink left is as value.... * Hyperlink width is as value.... * Hyperlink height is as value.... * Hyperlink name is as value.... * Hyperlink font name is as value.... * Hyperlink font size is as value.... * Hyperlink fore color is as value.... * Hyperlink back color is as value.... * Hyperlink font bold is as value.... * Hyperlink font italic is as value.... * Hyperlink font underline is as value.... * Hyperlink font strickout is as value.... * Set hyperlink transparent on * Set hyperlink transparent off * as value.... hyperlink selected * Hyperlink address is as value....
Spinner --------- * I want spinner * Spinner value is as value.... * Spinner top is as value.... * Spinner left is as value.... * Spinner width is as value.... * Spinner height is as value.... * Spinner name is as value.... * as value.... Spinner selected * Spinner fore color is as value.... * Spinner back color is as value.... * Spinner font name is as value.... * Spinner font size is as value.... * Spinner font bold is as value.... * Spinner font italic is as value.... * Spinner font underline is as value.... * Spinner font strickout is as value.... * Spinner range minimum is as value.... * Spinner range maximum is as value.... Spinner Events ---------------- gotfocus lostfocus change
Statusbar ----------- * I want statusbar * Statusbar font name is as value.... * Statusbar font size is as value.... * Statusbar font bold is as value.... * Statusbar font italic is as value.... * Statusbar font underline is as value.... * Statusbar font strickout is as value.... * I want status item * I want status clock * I want status date * I want status keyboard * Status item caption is as value.... * Status item width is as value.... * You show statusbar
Menubar --------- * I want menubar * I want menu popup * Menu popup caption is as value.... * I want menu item * Menu item caption is as value.... * Menu item name is as value.... Menu Item Events ------------------ mouseclick
WindowEvents.nova ------------------- set window autoshow off I want window and The Window Name is win1. The window title is Just move me to see what will happen!. Window top is 50. and window left is 50. Window width is 350. and window height is 100. The window back color is {55,155,205}. and you show window I want window and The Window Name is win2. The window title is Oh what will happen to me ?!. The window back color is {255,205,175}. Window top is 250. and window left is 250. Window width is 350. and window height is 100. and You show window win1 move. instructions are win1. window selected and The window title is "window is moved!!!." win2. window selected and The window backcolor is {0,0,0}. The window title is Oh no, i hate the BLACK color mmmmm. end of instructions win1 gotfocus. instructions are The window title is Wow i have the focus. end of instructions win1 lostfocus. instructions are The window title is Oh no i have lost the focus. end of instructions win1 mouseclick. instructions are The window title is WOw the window is Clicked!. end of instructions win1 mousemove. instructions are The window title is WOw the mouse is Moved!. end of instructions win1 resize. instructions are The window title is WOw the window is Resized!. end of instructions win2 maximize. instructions are The window title is Maximized!. end of instructions win2 minimize. instructions are The window title is Minimized!. end of instructions
LabelButton.nova ------------------ I want window The window title is "Label and Button" and The window height is 100. I want label and the label caption is "Label" I want button and the button caption is "Button" The label left is 50. and the button left is 250. The label width is 200. and the button width is 200. The label name is lbl1. and lbl1 mouseclick. instructions are The button caption is message form label click. end of instructions The button name is btn1. and btn1 mouseclick. instructions are The label caption is message form button click. end of instructions
LabelTwoButtons.nova ---------------------- Set window auto show off I want window and the window title is "Label and two Buttons" The window width is 250. and the window height is 200. The window backcolor is {100,200,250}. I want button and the button caption is One (1). The button top is 100. and the button left is 10. The button width is 100. and the button height is 50. The button name is btn1. The button forecolor is {0,0,255}. The button font bold is true. I want button and the button caption is Two (2). The button top is 100. and the button left is 130. The button width is 100. and the button height is 50. The button name is btn2. The button forecolor is {0,0,255}. The button font bold is true. I want label and the label height is 40. the label top is 30. the label left is 70. The label font name is arial. and the label font size is 30. The label forecolor is {255,0,0}. and the label backcolor is {255,255,255}. The label font bold is true. The label font italic is true. The label font under line is true. The label font strick out is true. You show window btn1 mouseclick. instructions are The label caption is One. end of instructions btn2 mouseclick. instructions are The label caption is Two. end of instructions
LabelThreeButtons.nova ------------------------ Set window auto show off I want window and the window title is "Label and Three Buttons" The window width is 370. and the window height is 200. The window back color is {170,180,190}. I want label and the label height is 40. The label name is lbl1. the label top is 30. the label left is 130. The label font name is arial. and the label font size is 30. The label backcolor is {0,255,0}. The label font bold is true. The label font italic is true. The label font under line is true. The label font strick out is true. I want button and the button caption is Red. The button top is 100. and the button left is 10. The button width is 100. and the button height is 50. The button name is btn1. The button forecolor is {0,0,255}. The button font bold is true. I want button and the button caption is Green. The button top is 100. and the button left is 130. The button width is 100. and the button height is 50. The button name is btn2. The button forecolor is {0,0,255}. The button font bold is true. I want button and the button caption is Blue. The button top is 100. and the button left is 250. The button width is 100. and the button height is 50. The button name is btn3. The button forecolor is {0,0,255}. The button font bold is true. You show window btn1 mouseclick. instructions are the label backcolor is {255,0,0}. end of instructions btn2 mouseclick. instructions are the label backcolor is {0,255,0}. end of instructions btn3 mouseclick. instructions are lbl1. label selected the label backcolor is {0,0,255}. end of instructions
CheckboxTwoButtons.nova ------------------------- set window auto show off I want window and the window title is "checkbox" The window back color is {100,40,200}. The window width is 260. The window height is 200. I want checkbox and the checkbox name is mycheck. The checkbox top is 50. and the checkbox left is 10. The checkbox width is 200. and the checkbox height is 30. The checkbox font name is "arial" The checkbox font size is 14. The checkbox forecolor is {255,255,255}. The checkbox backcolor is {50,200,155}. The checkbox caption is "Checkbox" I want button and the button caption is On (1). The button top is 100. and the button left is 10. The button width is 100. and the button height is 50. The button name is btn1. The button forecolor is {0,0,255}. The button font bold is true. I want button and the button caption is Off (0). The button top is 100. and the button left is 130. The button width is 100. and the button height is 50. The button name is btn2. The button forecolor is {0,0,255}. The button font bold is true. You show window btn1 mouseclick. instructions are The checkbox value is true. end of instructions btn2 mouseclick. instructions are The checkbox value is false. end of instructions
Determine color by it's name ------------------------------ Example:- The label fore color is white. The label back color is red. Color Value ------------------------------------------- aqua {0,255,255} black {0,0,0} blue {0,0,255} darkgray {128,128,128} fuchsia {255,0,255} gray {128,128,128} green {0,128,0} lime {0,255,0} lightgray {192,192,192} maroon {128,0,0} navy {0,0,128} purple {128,0,128} red {255,0,0} silver {192,192,192} teal {128,128,0} white {255,255,255} yellow {255,255,0}
i want window and the window title is hello. the window back color is blue. the window width = 350. and the window height = 200. i want label and the label caption is Welcome. the label font size is 50. the label width is 300. and the label height is 80. the label fore color is white. the label back color is blue. i want button and the button caption is close. the button top is 100. and the button left is 20. the button width is 300. and the button name is btn1. the button fore color is purple. the button back color is white. Btn1 MouseClick. instructions are You close window end of instructions
WindowInstances.nova ---------------------- set window auto show off i want window and the window name is basewin. The window title is The main window. You maximize window and You show window I want window and the window name is mywin. mywin init. instructions must done and you show window mywin init. instructions are mywin. window selected the window top is 50. and the window left is 50. the window width is 200. and the window height is 200. the window title is wow. and the window back color is {255,0,0}. end of instructions mywin mouseclick. instructions are I want window and the window name is mywin. mywin init. instructions must done and you show window end of instructions mywin maximize. instructions are the window title is Maximize!!. end of instructions
TextboxInstances.nova ----------------------- I want window The window title is "Textbox" The window width is 230. and the window height is 130. I want textbox and mytext init. instructions must done I want textbox and mytext init. instructions must done The textbox top is 50. mytext init. instructions are The textbox name is mytext. The textbox font name is "arial" The textbox font size is 14. The textbox fore color is {0,0,255}. The textbox back color is {100,255,100}. end of instructions mytext lostfocus. instructions are The textbox fore color is {50,100,150}. The textbox back color is {255,255,255}. end of instructions mytext gotfocus. instructions are The textbox fore color is {255,255,255}. The textbox back color is {50,100,150}. end of instructions
EditboxInstances.nova ----------------------- set window auto show off I want window and the window title is "Editbox" The window height is 520. and the window width is 440. I want editbox and myeditbox init. instructions must done the editbox backcolor is {100,200,250}. the editbox value is "Welcome" I want editbox and myeditbox init. instructions must done the editbox left is 220. the editbox value is "How r u ?" I want editbox and myeditbox init. instructions must done the editbox top is 220. the editbox value is "Thank u" I want editbox and myeditbox init. instructions must done the editbox top is 220. and the editbox left is 220. the editbox backcolor is {250,200,100}. the editbox value is "I am fine !!" I want button and the button top is 440. The button height is 30. and the button width is 410. The button caption is "Close" The button name is mybtn. you show window mybtn mouseclick. instructions are you close window end of instructions myeditbox init. instructions are The editbox name is myeditbox. The editbox font name is "arial" The editbox font size is 14. end of instructions myeditbox change. instructions are The editbox back color is {50,100,150}. The editbox fore color is {255,255,255}. end of instructions
ListboxInstances.nova ----------------------- Set window auto show off I want window and the window title is "Listbox" The window width is 500. The window height is 330. I want label and the label top is 210. The label width is 300. The label font name is "Arial" The label font size is 14. I want button and the button caption is Close. The button name is mybtn. and the button top is 250. I want listbox and mylist init. instructions must done I want listbox and mylist init. instructions must done The listbox left is 230. I want listbox and mylist init. instructions must done The listbox left is 460. You maximize window and you show window mylist init. instructions are The listbox name is mylist. The listbox font name is "arial" The listbox font size is 14. The listbox must add item One (1). The listbox must add item Two (2). The listbox must add item Three (3). The listbox must add item Four (4). The listbox must add item Five (5). The listbox value is 3. end of instructions mylist change. instructions are The label caption is "listbox value changed." end of instructions mylist gotfocus. instructions are The listbox forecolor is {255,255,255}. The listbox backcolor is {255,0,0}. end of instructions mylist lostfocus. instructions are The listbox forecolor is {0,0,0}. The listbox backcolor is {255,255,255}. end of instructions mybtn mouseclick. instructions are You close window end of instructions
ComboboxInstances.nova ------------------------ Set window auto show off I want window and the window title is "combobox" The window width is 500. The window height is 330. I want label and the label top is 210. The label width is 300. The label font name is "Arial" The label font size is 14. I want button and the button caption is Close. The button name is mybtn. and the button top is 250. I want combobox and mycombo init. instructions must done I want combobox and mycombo init. instructions must done The combobox left is 230. I want combobox and mycombo init. instructions must done The combobox left is 460. You maximize window and you show window mycombo init. instructions are The combobox name is mycombo. The combobox width is 200. The combobox height is 200. The combobox font name is "arial" The combobox font size is 14. The combobox must add item One (1). The combobox must add item Two (2). The combobox must add item Three (3). The combobox must add item Four (4). The combobox must add item Five (5). The combobox value is 3. end of instructions mycombo change. instructions are The label caption is "combobox value changed." end of instructions mycombo gotfocus. instructions are The combobox forecolor is {255,255,255}. The combobox backcolor is {255,0,0}. end of instructions mycombo lostfocus. instructions are The combobox forecolor is {0,0,0}. The combobox backcolor is {255,255,255}. end of instructions mybtn mouseclick. instructions are You close window end of instructions
CheckboxInstances.nova ------------------------ Set window auto show off I want window and the window title is "checkbox" The window width is 500. The window height is 330. I want label and the label top is 210. The label width is 300. The label font name is "Arial" The label font size is 14. I want button and the button caption is Close. The button name is mybtn. and the button top is 250. I want checkbox and mycheck init. instructions must done I want checkbox and mycheck init. instructions must done The checkbox left is 230. I want checkbox and mycheck init. instructions must done The checkbox left is 460. You maximize window and you show window mycheck init. instructions are The checkbox name is mycheck. The checkbox width is 200. The checkbox height is 200. The checkbox font name is "arial" The checkbox font size is 14. end of instructions mycheck change. instructions are The label caption is "checkbox value changed." end of instructions mycheck gotfocus. instructions are The checkbox forecolor is {255,255,255}. The checkbox backcolor is {255,0,0}. end of instructions mycheck lostfocus. instructions are The checkbox forecolor is {0,0,0}. The checkbox backcolor is {255,255,255}. end of instructions mybtn mouseclick. instructions are You close window end of instructions