PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( ) 2006-2011, Mahmoud Fayed ( ) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Fiction Description By Looking To The Future ----------------------------------------------
[1] Knowledge Power
Supernova know that any variable may exist at any time In the future so you can use any variable without declaration And without Assigning a value to it.
[2] Expression Power
Supernova suggest that the initial [x] value is (1) When you write [x] x (5).
Supernova suggest that the initial [x] value is (0) When you write [x] + (5).
[3] Events Power
There are two types of events allowed
1 - Object Events Example : button mouse click event
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are ....instructions here.... end of instruction
2 - State Events (Event Based on Variable Value) Example : an Event triggered when x = 10
x 10. instructions are ....instructions here.... end of instruction
Supernova look to future and enable us to write events before creating objects in the case of Object Events and/or before using variables in the case of State Events
Samples --------- 1 - KnowledgePower.nova 2 - ExpressionPower1.nova 3 - ExpressionPower2.nova 4 - EventsPower.nova [1] KnowledgePower.nova ------------------------- I want window The window title is Looking To The future. I want listbox and the listbox top = 60. window width = 700. and listbox width = 650. The listbox must add item Supernova know that any variable may exist at any time in the future. The listbox must add from [x]. The listbox must add item Supernova suggest that the initial [x] value is (1) when you write [x] x (5). The listbox must add from [x] x (5). The listbox must add item Supernova suggest that the initial [x] value is (0) when you write [x] + (5). The listbox must add from [x] + (5). [2] ExpressionPower1.nova --------------------------- I want window contains button Button name is btn1. and button caption = Multiply. The window title is Looking To The future. I want listbox and the listbox top = 60. Btn1 mouseclick. instructions are :note: "Using [X] in the right side without declaration and/or assigning a value to it. [x] automatically take the value of (1) because there are Multiply operation (x)" [x]. = [x] x (5). The listbox must add from [x]. End of instructions [3] ExpressionPower2.nova --------------------------- (15). decimal places allowed I want window contains button Button name is btn1. and button caption = Division. The window title is Looking To The future. I want listbox and the listbox top = 60. Btn1 mouseclick. instructions are :note: "Using [X] in the right side without declaration and/or assigning a value to it. [x] automatically take the value of (1) because there are Division operation (/)" [x]. = [x] / (5). The listbox must add from [x]. End of instructions [4] EventsPower.nova ---------------------- I want window contains button Button name is btn1. and button caption = Create button. The window title is Looking To The future. Window width = 700. :note: "Btn2 event before creating btn2 !!!" Btn2 mouseclick. instructions are I want window and window title is wow. End of instructions :note: " x = 450 event before creating [x] !!!" X 450. instructions are btn1. button selected The button caption is Close. end of instructions :note: " x = 600 event before creating [x] !!!" X 600. instructions are you close application ok Btn1 mouseclick. instructions are :note: "Using [X] in the right side without declaration and/or assigning a value to it. [x] automatically take the value of (0) because there are sum operation (+)" [x]. = [x] + (150). I want button and the button name is btn2. button left from [x]. End of instructions