PWCT 1.9 Art Documentation ( )

2006-2011, Mahmoud Fayed ( )






[1] Get Variable ....Variable/Value Point to Variable Name....


[2] Do Function ....Variable/Value Point to Function Name....


1 - GetVariable.nova
2 - DoFunction.nova
3 - Pointer2Variable.nova
4 - Pointer2Function.nova
5 - DoFunction2.nova
6 - GetVariable2.nova
7 - NoRecursive.nova
8 - Recursive.nova
[1] GetVariable.nova
Application title = GetVariable.
I want window contains textbox and window title = GetVariable.
Window height = 130.
I want label and label top is 50.
I want button and button name is btn1. and button left = 300.
button caption = GetVariable. and button width = 150.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        textbox value to [mytext].
        label caption from get variable (mytext).
end of instructions
[2] DoFunction.nova
Application title = DoFunction.
I want window contains textbox and window title = DoFunction.
Window height = 130.
I want label and label top is 50.
I want button and button name is btn1. and button left = 300.
button caption = DoFunction. and button width = 150.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        label caption from do function (myfunc).
end of instructions
function myfunc.
        textbox value to [mytext].
        [output]. = [mytext] x [mytext].
end function
[3] Pointer2Variable.nova
Application title = Pointer2Variable.
I want window contains textbox and window title = Pointer2Variable.
Window height = 130.
I want label and label top is 50.
I want button and button name is btn1. and button left = 300.
button caption = GetVariable. and button width = 150.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        textbox value to [mytext].
        [mytext]. = Alltrim [mytext].
        [myselector]. = (mytext).
        label caption from get variable [myselector].
end of instructions
[4] Pointer2Function.nova
Application title = Pointer2Function.
I want window contains textbox and window title = Pointer2Function.
Window height = 130.
I want label and label top is 50.
I want button and button name is btn1. and button left = 300.
button caption = DoFunction. and button width = 150.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        [myfunctionname]. = (myfunc).
        label caption from do function [myfunctionname].
end of instructions
function myfunc.
        textbox value to [mytext].
        [output]. = [mytext] x [mytext].
end function
[5] DoFunction2.nova
Application title = DoFunction2.
I want window contains textbox and window title = DoFunction2.
Window height = 130.
I want label and label top is 50.
I want button and button name is btn1. and button left = 300.
button caption = DoFunction. and button width = 150.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        label caption from do function (myfunc) + do function (myfunc).
end of instructions
function myfunc.
        textbox value to [mytext].
        [output]. = [mytext] x [mytext].
end function
[6] GetVariable2.nova
Application title = GetVariable2.
I want window contains textbox and window title = GetVariable2.
Window height = 130.
I want label and label top is 50.
I want button and button name is btn1. and button left = 300.
button caption = GetVariable. and button width = 150.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        textbox value to [mytext].
        label caption from get variable (mytext) x get variable(mytext).
end of instructions
[7] NoRecursive.nova
Application title = NoRecursive.
I want window contains textbox and window title = NoRecursive.
Window height = 130.
I want label and label top is 50.
I want button and button name is btn1. and button left = 300.
button caption = DoFunction. and button width = 150.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        textbox value to [input].
        label caption from do function (myfunc).
end of instructions
function myfunc.       
        [output]. = [input].
        do while [input] > (1).
               [input]. = [input] - (1).
               [output]. = [output] x [input].
        end while
end function
[8] Recursive.nova
Application title = Recursive.
I want window contains textbox and window title = Recursive.
Window height = 130.
I want label and label top is 50.
I want button and button name is btn1. and button left = 300.
button caption = DoFunction. and button width = 150.
btn1 mouseclick. instructions are
        textbox value to [input].
        label caption from do function (myfunc). 
end of instructions
function myfunc.
        [output]. = [output] x [input].
        [input]. = [input] - (1).
        do if [input] > (1).
               do function myfunc.
        end if
end function
















