Say Hello program

In this chapter we are going to learn how to create the Say Hello program

The User will enter his/her name then we will print (Hello UserName)

In this lesson we will learn about

  • Variables

  • Expressions

  • Getting input using the Keyboard

  • Printing Expressions that merge between two strings


We can create this program quickly using the Quick Start component


Program Steps

After selecting the (Say Hello) template, we will get the next steps in the Goal Designer

In the Output Window, The program prints the message (Enter your name?)

After typing (Mahmoud), We see the (Hello Mahmoud) message on the Screen


Creating the Program

To create this program we will use the next components

  • Comment (Optional)

  • Print Text

  • Get Input

Using the Comment component, we will add some comments to our program!


We can use the same component many times using the (Again) button


We will add more than one comment to the program


In the Interaction Page, We write the comment in the Text Field


After writing the comment, The Steps Tree will be updated!


Let’s add the other comments


We can add empty lines to the Steps Tree by having empty comment

Empty lines could be a good separator between comments

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We will use the (Print Text) component

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Select the (Get Input) Component


Type (cName) as the Variable Name

Variables are used to store data in the Computer Memory

Using the variable name we can set or get the variable value

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Now using the (Print Text) component we will print an Expression

The Expression is a mix of Variables, Values & Operators

In this example we use the Plus operator to merge between strings


Now we have the final Steps Tree in our program
