Using Functions
In this chapter we are going to learn about the Using Functions
We can create this program quickly using the Quick Start component
Program Steps
After selecting the (Using Functions) template, we will get the next steps in the Goal Designer
The Steps Tree:
Print fact(5) (New Line)
If novalue() = NULL
Print the NoValue() function doesn't return a value (New Line)
End of IF Statement
function first
Print message from the first function (New Line)
End of Function
function second
Print message from the second function (New Line)
End of Function
function sum x,y
Print x+y (New Line)
End of Function
function fact x
If x = 0
Return 1
Return x*fact(x-1)
End of IF Statement
End of Function
function novalue
End of Function
Creating the Program
To create this program we will use the next components
Call Function
If Statement
Define Function
Print Text
In the begining the Steps Tree is empty
Call the first() function
Call the Second() function
Call the Sum() function - Send 3,5 as parameters
Call the Sum() function - Send 1000,2000 as parameters
Call the Fact() function - Send 5 as parameter
Check the output of the NoValue() function
Print a message using the (Print Text) component
Define the First() function
Print a message from the First() function
Define the Second() function
Print a message from the Second() function
Define the Sum() function
This function takes x,y as parameters
The function will print the sum of x and y
Define the Fact() function
Define the NoValue() function
Now we have the final Steps Tree in our program