Exit from two loops

In this chapter we are going to learn about the Exit from two loops


We can create this program quickly using the Quick Start component


Program Steps

After selecting the (Exit from two loops) template, we will get the next steps in the Goal Designer


Creating the Program

To create this program we will use the next components

  • For Loop

  • Print Text

  • If Statement

  • Exit

In the begining the Steps Tree is empty


Select the (For Loop) component

2.png 3.png

The Steps Tree will be updated


We will create an inner loop (i.e. for loop inside another for loop)

This time, The loop will use the (y) variable

5.png 6.png

We will print the (X) and (Y) values using the (Print Text) component

7.png 8.png 9.png

Using the (If Statement) component, we will check if x=3 and y=5

When this happens, We will end both loops using the (Exit) component

10.png 11.png 12.png 13.png

Select the (Exit) component


Enter the data in the Interaction Page

Value: 2

This means exit from two loops!


Now we have the final Steps Tree in our program
