
Download PWCT 1.9 (Art)
Rev. 2024.11.20
Get PWCT 2.0 (Steam)
Rev. 2025.01.20

Comes with Autocomplete, Colors, VPL Compiler & More ! 


Welcome to Programming Without Coding Technology (PWCT). If you want to learn programming, create applications/systems or get some new ideas about visual programming in the practice then you are in the right place. The goal of this project is to present programming to every computer users, whether they are beginners or professionals. Beginners means that the tools of programming must be accessible – must be easy. So I decided to take coding out of programming. And presenting programming to professional developers requires a tool that is productive, unlimited and can be extended. 

PWCT is a Free and Open-Source software, also the documentation and the support is free. Installing PWCT on MS-Windows is easy through simple installation program, after downloading the software you can download many samples,tutorials and movies. Some of PWCT users are using the software to create presentations and education software. Many users are using the software for business applications. At my side I have used the software to create a new programming language as a proof that the technology is productive, powerful and unlimited. So the software can be used in many different applications. The Ring Programming Language is developed using PWCT based on the C programming language.

The domain of the problem is called “Visual Programming Languages.” There are many projects in this domain, but most of these languages are domain-specific languages or used in education, But with respect to general-purpose visual programming languages, there are few of them. PWCT don't use the Drag-and-Drop method. PWCT provide a new method called Graphical Code Replacement (GCR) which is based on Automatic Steps Tree Generation and Update in response to interaction with components that provide to the user simple data entry forms. The idea behind this new method is to mix between programming using Diagrammatic approach and programming using Form-based approach where the integration between the two approaches are done seamlessly through an Automatic Visual Representation Generation process. This is just the basic idea and many other ideas are developed around this concept to get a practical general purpose visual programming language for real world tasks. 

Free Open Source 

  • PWCT 2.0 (MIT License)
  • PWCT 1.x (GNU General Public License v2.0.)
  • Create free open source applications.
  • Create commercial closed source applications.

Visual Programming 

  • More than one dimension.
  • Programming using a GUI.
  • No Syntax Errors.
  • Time Dimension.
  • Colors.

Practical Editor 

  • Keyboard shortcuts (high writability).
  • Customization (Max. Readability & Writability).
  • Cut/Copy/Paste & Search/Replace.
  • Syntax Directed Editor.
  • Free Editor & VPL Compiler.

Programming Paradigm 

  • Don't force a programming paradigm.
  • Imperative Programming.
  • Procedural Programming.
  • Object Oriented Programming.
  • Event Driven Programming.
  • Super Server programming (New).

Compatable (Optional) 

  • See/Edit the generated source code.
  • You can support any textual programming language.
  • Support C, Python, C# , Harbour & Supernova.

Programming Scope 

  • General Purpose.
  • Create Large scale Applications/Systems.
  • High Level Programming.
  • Low Level Programming.
  • Download Open Source Projects.

Framwork & Extension 

  • Create/use Visual Programming Languages.
  • Comes with more than one VPL.
  • Create new components.
  • Programs update after components modification.

Operating System 

  • PWCT 2.0 (Windows/Linux/macOS).
  • PWCT 1.x (Microsoft Windows product).
  • PWCT 1.x (Works fine on Linux using Wine).
  • Create Windows Applications.
  • Create Multiplatform Applications.


  • Dynamic Generation instead of Drag & Drop.
  • General and Practical.
  • Goal Viewer.
  • Samples Manager.
  • Play programs as movie.


PWCT is not a Wizard
for creating your application in 1 2 3 steps.

PWCT is a general-purpose
visual programming tool designed for
novice and expert programmers

A novice programmer can use PWCT to
learn programming concepts.

An expert programmer can use PWCT
to develop large software.

© 2006-2025, Free and Open-Source Software